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Date(s) - Feb 15, 2017
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Otterbein United Methodist Church


Many families, individuals, and congregations are struggling to discern God’s will in these times of intense social change, particularly with regard to how to be in ministry with persons of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities.  If you are seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, encouragement from fellow Christians, and spiritual nourishment for the journey, this book is for you.

This book is meant to help us learn to be the people of God in the social wilderness of today.  In this book, you will find stories of faith.  You will read personal testimonies about what it means to be homosexual and Christian.  You will encounter sermons that wrestle with what it means to be open and affirming in ministry.  You will read the Bible  as a story of faith in which we ourselves find a place.

All adults are invited to this study.  Pastor Jonette will lead the weekly book studies.