The Clay Street Shelter

A Low Barrier Emergency Shelter in Lancaster City

The new Clay Street Low Barrier Emergency Shelter is located in the basement of Otterbein United Methodist Church at 20 East Clay Street, Lancaster (entrance on the parking lot side only). This overnight shelter provides a safe, warm place to sleep, along with showers and restrooms. It does not offer meals, but staff will strive to connect guests with resources that can help them find longer-term stability and support.

The YMCA of the Roses staffs and operates the shelter. The Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authority provides oversight. Construction and operational funding is provided through the Lancaster Redevelopment Fund.

Here to help?

Hours and Capacity

  • 7:00 pm – Line Forms: Guests are welcome to begin lining up at 7:00 pm at the entrance
  • 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Intake (Check-In): Doors open at 7:30 pm. Intake ends and doors close at 9:30pm
  • 7:00 am – Departure (Check-Out): All guests must depart by 7:00 am, taking their personal items with them

Shelter Enrollment

To stay at the Clay Street Shelter, you must have a completed Coordinated Entry EnrollmentYou can do this in any of the following ways:

  • Call 2-1-1 in advance of your first stay.
  • Meet in person with any contracted Coordinated Entry staff (including outreach or homelessness service providers) in advance of your first stay.
  • If there is an immediate need and only IF bed capacity is available, you may seek entry into the shelter without having enrolled in advance – so long as you complete Coordinated Entry Enrollment within the next 72 hours. However, please keep in mind that priority is given to current guests and those who have completed enrollment in advance, so a bed may not be available to you.


If you have questions not answered below, please call (717) 893-0120 during daytime hours and leave a message. You can also speak with a staff person in person during intake hours (7:30 pm-9:30pm).

What the Shelter Provides

  • Immediate Safety and Stability: A secure environment so you can sleep protected from the elements at night.
  • Low Barrier Accessibility: We welcome adults in crisis without prerequisites such as sobriety, income, or mandatory participation in services.
  • Connection to Support Services: Our staff and partners can help you develop action plans for housing, health, and employment needs.
  • Emergency Response: In times of crisis, like extreme weather, we do our best to expand capacity to ensure safety.
  • Community Integration: We coordinate with other agencies to address guest needs comprehensively.

Shelter Eligibility

Adults 18 and older are eligible to stay.

The following factors will not be used to determine eligibility:

  • Income
  • Sobriety (no drug or alcohol testing)
  • Background checks
  • Participation in case management
  • Protected statuses (race, ethnicity, gender, etc.)
Please Note: We cannot accommodate pets or emotional support animals. For the safety and well-being of all guests, the YMCA reserves the right to deny entry to individuals deemed unsafe due to health concerns (e.g., inability to provide adequate self-care or needing staff assistance with mobility), safety risks, or past behavioral issues

Shelter Guidelines

Arrival Time & Lining Up:

  • Guests may not remain on the church property before 7:00 pm.
  • At 7:00 pm, you may begin lining up at the parking lot entrance.
  • Doors open between 7:30 pm and 9:30 pm for intake.

Priority Entry & Late Arrivals:

Priority entry goes to those who stayed at the shelter the previous night.  Late arrivals are permitted only under specific circumstances:

  • A referral from emergency services (e.g., hospital or first responders).
  • Advance notice from a current guest who is working late.
  • Individuals dropped off by police must have stayed at the shelter at least once before to be admitted that night.
  • Beds for emergency service referrals are available only if a bed is unused.

 Security Screening:

  • A security staff member will conduct entrance screenings using a metal-detecting wand.
  • Any weapons voluntarily turned over by guests will be secured overnight.
  • Guests who refuse the security check will be denied entry.


  • Each guest will have one bin under their assigned bed to store belongings overnight.
  • Items that do not fit in the bin must be stored elsewhere prior to entry—there is a small designated area outside in the parking lot, about 40 feet from the entrance. Note that this area is not secured or monitored by staff, nor is it protected from weather.
  • Guests must remove their belongings from the shelter and church property (including parking lot and sidewalks) each morning by 7:00 am. Anything left behind will be discarded.

Food & Beverage:

  • No outside food or drinks are allowed inside.
  • Small, pre-packaged items for medical reasons may be permitted on a case-by-case basis with prior staff approval.
  • Water fountains with bottle fillers are available.

Firearms & Other Prohibited Items:

  • Firearms, including bows, arrows, replica firearms (airsoft or BB guns), are strictly prohibited on the property.
  • Items like knives, box cutters, or tools are not allowed in the sleeping area. They must be turned over to security at check-in and can be retrieved in the morning.

Smoking & Vaping

  • Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the shelter and on the property.
  • There will be two designated smoke breaks outside, under staff supervision.

Daytime Closure:

  • The shelter is closed during daytime hours, so guests must leave by 7:00 am and may return at 7:00 pm if they wish to stay another night.
We thank you for your help in providing a safe, dignified, and supportive environment for everyone. If you need a warm place to stay and require immediate shelter, remember to seek out Tenfold’s King Street shelter first if you are new to shelter, since that location currently has full availability.